Uzbekistan lifts water delivery fees for farmers

Tax revenue to cover costs
Photo: bychykhin / depositphotos

Uzbekistan has freed farming enterprises from paying for water delivery and supplying produce for state needs, the Ministry of Justice announced, citing a law signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

A tax on water resource usage will cover the water delivery costs. This measure reduces bureaucratic burdens on farmers and boosts their incentive to adopt water-saving technologies.

The law shifts the power to approve water intake limits for agricultural enterprises to district and city councils. New state institutions, “Suv Yetkazib Berish Xizmati” (Water Supply Service), are being set up, replacing district irrigation departments and services of the Ministry of Water Resources.

Kursiv Uzbekistan also reports that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev had instructed the development of a drainage system and artificial reservoirs for Tashkent.

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