Online Non-Molestation Order for Women in Uzbekistan

Fully automatic system issues orders through the electronic portal EPIGU
Photo: Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbek women who are victims of domestic violence can now apply for a non-molestation order using a new online procedure. The government has implemented a fully automatic system for issuing non-molestation orders through the electronic portal EPIGU. Under this new system, crime prevention inspectors can issue the order online, free of charge, within 24 hours of a reported incident of violence or a complaint about the risk of violence.

Furthermore, starting from December 1, crime prevention inspectors can initiate the issuance of a non-molestation order if there have been multiple incidents of domestic violence within a year.

In addition, the Oliy Majlis Senate has approved a law providing non-molestation orders for children, as Kursiv Uzbekistan reported.

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