
New Technopark to be Built in Nurafshon

Regional ministerial departments to be relocated from Tashkent to Nurafshon
Photo: Unsplash

Local authorities announce an initiative to enhance the investment and business environment in the city of Nurafshon, the Tashkent region, as confirmed by the Agency for Strategic Reforms of Uzbekistan.

The proposed plan includes an industrial park development, estimated to require an investment of $720 million. This park will accommodate industrial buildings and include service and social infrastructure facilities.

In addition to the industrial park, plans are in place to redevelop Nurafshon’s urban landscape. The old residential houses (the 1950s–1960s) in Toshkent Yo’li and Hurramlik streets should be replaced by new buildings with modern apartments and featuring commercial spaces.

The city will also see the development of new residential areas, hotels, eco-markets and social infrastructure. The reconstruction of the former Tuitepa Textile factory attract the investment of $320 million.

The relocation of the region’s ministerial departments from Tashkent to Nurafshan is another part of the urban development plan.

Uzbekistan and Bashkortostan plan to develop joint technology parks, as Kursiv Uzbekistan reports.