Tashkent Region Attracts $1.7 Billion in Investments

The projects to be implemented in three years
Photo: Nasimi/Depositphotos

The authorities of the Tashkent Region aim to attract $1.7 billion in investments for 24 electrical industry projects by 2027, according to the press service of the regional Khokimiyat.

The launch of these projects is expected to create three thousand jobs. The Khokimiyat noted that three investment projects worth $21 million were launched in the capital region in the first seven months of 2024. In particular, an Uzbek-Chinese enterprise that produces electric switches and repairs gas turbine engines operates in the Tashkent region.

By the end of the year, the region plans to implement a project to produce LED lamps and chargers for electric cars with the assistance of Chinese investors.

Kursiv Uzbekistan also reported that an industrial park will be created near Samarkand for $1.6 billion.

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