
IT Park and Astana Hub Unites to Support Startups

The unified brand aims to enhance technoparks' recognition
Photo: IT Park Uzbekistan

IT Park and Kazakhstan’s Astana Hub are teaming up to create a shared ecosystem to support startups and promote Central Asian developments in international markets, as reported by the technocluster’s press service.

The technoparks will exchange their expertise in attracting venture capital funding and participating in global events under the joint brand of Central Asian Innovation Hubs.

IT Park CEO Farkhod Ibragimov and Astana Hub head Magzhan Madiev signed a memorandum during ICTWeek 2024 in Tashkent.

The unified brand aims to enhance technoparks’ recognition and highlight their regional identity. In the upcoming months, Central Asian Innovation Hubs will showcase Central Asian startups at TechCrunch in San Francisco, InMerge in Baku, and WebSummit in Lisbon.

Central Asian Innovation Hubs are also expected to participate in Stanford and Draper University accelerators.

Kursiv Uzbekistan also reported that IT Park would establish a $10 million venture fund.