66 New Companies Joined IT Park 

With the participation of foreign investors 
Photo: Mikhail Mamontov / Pixabay

In September 2024, the number of residents of IT Park increased by 66, 29 of which were created with the participation of investors from foreign countries, as reported by the tech cluster’s press office.

The residents plan to create about 700 jobs. Last month, 99 companies joined the tech cluster.

The total number of exporting residents reached 936. The number of companies with foreign capital participation totalled 574.

Resident exporters operate in the markets of the USA, Germany, Switzerland, France, the UK, Singapore, China, South Korea, Japan and UAE.

The companies mainly provide outsourcing services, develop programmes and work in the creative industry.

Kursiv Uzbekistan also reports that one of the residents of the IT Park was subject to US sanctions. 

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