First IT Roadshow from Uzbekistan IT Community

Masterclasses for young professionals to be held in 19 cities nationwide

Industry professionals from Uzbek and foreign companies will be leading lectures and masterclasses on forging a successful career in IT for young professionals in 19 cities nationwide.

The IT Roadshow will feature expert guidance on securing initial employment or transitioning to freelance work, rapidly acquiring new skills, optimizing a LinkedIn profile, leveraging AI tools for professional growth and initiating IT startups. Esteemed speakers at the IT Roadshow will include:

  • Head of IT Community of Uzbekistan Shavkat Karimov;
  • Anna Ambrozevich, Director of Women in Tech Uzbekistan;
  • HR-coordinator of Group IB Dilyafruz Yusupova;
  • Ilhom Aliyev, Deputy Director of U-Enter Innovation Centre;
  • Ivan Doronin, AI project manager at G42.

All lectures, masterclasses, workshops and Q&A sessions are free of charge and will be held in three languages: Uzbek, English and Russian.

The world of IT offers big opportunities, no matter where a specialist lives. Shavkat Karimov, Head of the IT Community of Uzbekistan underlines, our goal is to assist children in taking their first, most challenging steps. We bring experienced experts and beginners together into a community of like-minded individuals where everyone can seek support and advice. The community has over 14 thousand members, and we will grow significantly during the upcoming Roadshow.”

“The main asset of Uzum, and any successful company, is the team. To grow, hiring and nurturing talent is important,” says Roman Lavrentiev, Uzum’s Chief Operating Officer. “We want working at Uzum to be a dream and a goal for talented young people all over the country, and we are ready to help them take the first steps towards achieving this goal.”

The IT Community Roadshow will start on October 26 at 10:00 am in Tashkent and continue until the end of March. Over six months, experts will visit various cities, including Syrdarya, Bekabad, Almalyk, Kokand, Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Jizzak, Samarkand, Karshi, Termez, Denau, Bukhara, Navoi, Zarafshan, Urgench, Khiva and Nukus.

The Roadshow will feature master classes on career building and personal productivity, a CV review, networking sessions and a quiz with prizes for active participants. Registration is available at the following link:

The Roadshow is supported by the IT Community of Uzbekistan, Uzum ecosystem, UZINFOCOM, School 21, IT Park, Ministry of Digital Technologies, Women in Tech International Association and AIM Lab.

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