United Nations to Support Uzbekistan in Fight against Cancer

Saida Mirziyoyeva met with the head of the UNFPA office
Photo: Saida Mirziyoyeva’s Telegram Channel

According to the president’s assistant, Saida Mirziyoyeva, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) provides Uzbekistan with expert assistance in the fight against cancer.

During a meeting with Nigina Abaszadeh, the head of the UNFPA office in Uzbekistan, they discussed a program focused on addressing breast and cervical cancer, as well as child and maternal mortality. Saida Mirziyoyeva shared on her Telegram channel that UNFPA is willing to offer Uzbekistan expert and technical support in these crucial areas.

Kursiv Uzbekistan reports that Saida Mirziyoyeva paid attention to a digitalising healthcare project in Uzbekistan.

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