Kursiv Uzbekistan to Promote Annual Women’s Leadership Award First Among Equals

The second award takes place on December 10

Business Media Kursiv established the International Annual Women’s Leadership Award First Among Equals. The second award takes place on December 10 at The Hyatt Regency Hotel.

The First Among Equals Award aims to support women who show that any woman can become the first among equals through their personal and professional achievements.

«Today, in Uzbekistan, many women hold leadership positions in their companies and have successfully entered traditionally considered masculine professions while actively participating in public life. Our contest aims to highlight the new faces of women’s leadership in Uzbekistan. These women leaders are excellent role models for young girls on the brink of choosing their careers. Such role models can inspire them to pursue their passions despite the stereotypes and restrictions that persist in society,» said Anastasia Novikova, Edito-in-Chief of Kursiv Uzbekistan.

Novikova noted that last year’s award highlighted a significant interest among businesses in women’s leadership and gender equality. This year, the number of nominations has increased from 10 to 13. The award will recognise individual achievements across various industries and projects that advance the concepts of women’s leadership.

Awards list:

Applications for participation will be accepted until November 18. Each organisation can nominate one individual or project for the contest. Women’s communities and working groups focused on women’s initiatives are eligible to apply. This year, the First Among Equals Award will be given to journalists and bloggers who promote women’s leadership and gender equality.

The winners in each category will be selected by a competition committee composed of representatives from international organizations, social institutions, opinion leaders, and last year’s laureates.

This year, online voting will be available, allowing readers and visitors to select the winners in a special nomination from Kursiv. Voting will take place on the official page of the project First Among Equals.

For participation and partnership,

please contact +998 98 800 91 61

E-mail: post@kursiv.media 

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