World Bank Allocates $3.5 Mln for Solar Power Plant Construction in Khorezm

The World Bank (WB) has approved the allocation of $3.5 million for a solar power plant project in the Khorezm region, as reported by the financial organisation’s press service to Kursiv Uzbekistan.
The funding will be provided in the form of a bank guarantee. The French company Voltalia is responsible for constructing the project.
The power plant is scheduled to be launched in November 2025, with a capacity of 100 MW. It is expected to produce 240 GWh of electricity annually and prevent the emission of 230,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases.
According to the contract terms, Voltalia’s subsidiary, Sarimay Foreign Enterprise, will operate the power plant for 25 years and sell the generated energy to the national grid.
Kursiv Uzbekistan also reports that 18 power plants and high-voltage substations have been put into operation in Uzbekistan.