Complete Drinking Water Supply for Tashkent Region by 2030
This indicator is now estimated at 79.9%

By 2030, Tashkent Region is set to be fully supplied with drinking water. The regional khokimiyat has announced that 287.4 bn soums will be allocated for this purpose.
The project will involve the installation of 554.5 kilometres of water supply networks and the construction of 76 infrastructure facilities.
As of the beginning of this year, 79.9% of the region’s residents had access to drinking water. The lowest access rates are in the Kuyichirchik and Urtachirchik districts, with only 54.2% and 55.1% of residents receiving adequate water supply.

Kursiv Uzbekistan also reports that two water reservoirs and treatment plants are being constructed in the Kungrad district of Karakalpakstan.