
How Technology Supports Society

The experience of Yandex Uzbekistan

Mobility for all

For many, Yandex is primarily known as a reliable and convenient taxi service. Its features are available to all users of the Yandex Go app, including individuals with disabilities.

“Limited mobility is a significant challenge for people with disabilities. To address this, municipal authorities are working to improve infrastructure and create barrier-free urban spaces. At Yandex, we prioritise accessibility in our services and actively contribute to fostering an inclusive environment in Uzbekistan,” said Izzat Shukurov, Head of Yandex Uzbekistan, in an interview with Kursiv.

The Yandex Go app now includes features for people with disabilities. Users can notify drivers in advance if they use a wheelchair or require assistance in locating their vehicle. Drivers receive instructions on ensuring a comfortable journey for these passengers.

“Since launching this feature, users have completed over 322,000 trips with these accessibility options, demonstrating their demand,” Shukurov noted.

The platform also accommodates drivers with hearing impairments. Special features replace audio signals with visual cues, and communication with passengers takes place via in-app messaging. In 2023, over 2,000 drivers with hearing impairments collaborated with Yandex Go across all operating countries, with 70% relying on it as their primary source of income.

Supporting charitable initiatives

Since entering the Uzbek market, Yandex has actively partnered with charitable organisations, including Sharoit Plus (supporting people with disabilities), ONA (assisting women in difficult circumstances), Ezgu Amal (helping children with cancer), and Kapalak Bolalar (supporting patients with epidermolysis bullosa and ichthyosis).

Every month, these organisations receive promo codes for free rides and deliveries, reducing administrative costs and allowing more resources to be directed toward beneficiaries.

During the annual Generous November campaign, Yandex donates 50 UZS for every 10 km travelled on Yandex Go trips each Friday in November. In 2023, the company donated 10 mn UZS to NGOs, benefiting children who had undergone bone marrow transplants at the National Children’s Medical Centre. All Uzbekistan residents can contribute to this initiative simply by using Yandex Go in November.

Supporting search and rescue operations

Yandex’s technology and logistics capabilities also assist in search and rescue efforts. The company collaborates with UzAlert, Uzbekistan’s only volunteer organisation dedicated to locating missing persons. Since 2020, volunteers have conducted over 1,100 searches, successfully locating more than 700 individuals.

Through Yandex, search alerts can be quickly distributed. Drivers and couriers receive notifications via the app and can inform search teams if they spot a missing person. This significantly increases the chances of success, as Yandex Go partners across the country receive the information.

Expanding access to STEM education

Access to knowledge is a core value at Yandex. In 2023, the company launched a free programming school in Uzbekistan to provide talented high school students with quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. Under the guidance of experienced teachers and industry experts, students learn programming theory and practical applications, building a strong foundation for IT careers.

Due to high demand, in-person classes are now available not only in Tashkent but also in Samarkand and Urgench. Over 1,000 high school students have already applied for the programme this year.

For university students and early-career IT professionals, Yandex has introduced backend and mobile development schools. Graduates have the opportunity to secure employment with the company. Additionally, young professionals can apply for paid internships, contributing to the development of Yandex services.

Yandex is also planning to launch training courses for computer science teachers. These initiatives aim to create a multiplier effect, fostering innovation and technological development in Uzbekistan.

Promoting gender equality in IT

Many women face barriers when pursuing careers in IT. Yandex supports gender diversity and has been the general sponsor of Uzbekistan’s Technovation Girls teams for two years.

This global competition for girls aged 8–18 encourages participants to break gender stereotypes and develop their potential in technology. Yandex not only provides financial support but also serves as an expert partner. Employees mentor teams, guiding them in developing tech solutions for social challenges.

In 2023, Yandex held a lecture series on using technology for social impact, open to all school students. Thanks to this support, Uzbekistan’s Tecnas team successfully presented its project in Silicon Valley, placing in the top three worldwide in its category.

Through these initiatives, Yandex Uzbekistan continues to drive accessibility, innovation, and inclusivity in the region.