What did the French Media Report on the Uzbek President’s Visit

International Managing Editor
Uzbekistani President Shavkat Mirziyoyev Came to France with Official Visit for Strengthening Strategic Partnership with Emmanuel Macron
Macron and Mirziyoyev

Photo: Telegram Channel of the President of Uzbekistan

On March 13, 2025, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan paid an official visit to Paris, France, where he was warmly welcomed by French President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée Palace. This visit marked a significant milestone in enhancing diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations between the two nations.

This is not President Mirziyoyev’s first visit to France. His previous official visits took place in 2023 and 2021, which already set the stage for stronger bilateral ties.

Uzbekistani President’s official state visit to France garnered significant attention from the French media, which extensively covered the importance of the deepening strategic partnership between Tashkent and Paris. Various outlets, from national television to specialised economic journals, highlighted Uzbekistan’s increasing role in the region, its reform-minded leadership and the strengthening of economic, energy and cultural ties.

Kursiv Uzbekistan summarised how major French media portrayed this high-level visit.

Euronews: Focus on Energy and Diplomacy

In an article titled «Le président ouzbek à Paris pour renforcer les relations, notamment dans l’énergie», Euronews emphasised Uzbekistan’s interest in French expertise in nuclear and renewable energy.


«L’Ouzbékistan espère profiter du savoir-faire français dans le domaine de l’énergie, en particulier nucléaire et renouvelable.»


«Uzbekistan hopes to benefit from French expertise in energy, particularly in nuclear and renewable sectors.»

The piece highlighted the signing of cooperation agreements and Paris’s recognition of Uzbekistan as a key energy and logistics partner in Central Asia.

🕌 Musulmans en France: Development and Cultural Ties

In a feature article, Musulmans en France noted the multidimensional nature of the visit, which included areas such as education, agriculture, and cultural exchanges.


«La France est un partenaire clé pour l’Ouzbékistan dans sa stratégie de développement durable et d’ouverture internationale.»


«France is a key partner for Uzbekistan in its strategy of sustainable development and international openness.»

📊 RFI: Strategic Economic Complementarity

In a special podcast from Radio France Internationale (RFI) titled «Pourquoi la France et l’Ouzbékistan ont intérêt à resserrer leurs liens économiques», experts analysed the growing economic complementarity between the two nations.


«L’Ouzbékistan est un marché en pleine ouverture, et la France a tout intérêt à y consolider sa présence avant que d’autres ne prennent la place.»


«Uzbekistan is a market in full liberalization, and France has every interest in consolidating its presence before others take the lead.»

🌐 La Gazette AZ: A Strategic Turn

In its Asie Centrale section, La Gazette AZ described the visit as a turning point in bilateral diplomacy and emphasised Uzbekistan’s growing role in the geopolitical and economic balance of the region.


«La France et l’Ouzbékistan aspirent à bâtir un partenariat durable fondé sur des intérêts stratégiques communs.»


«France and Uzbekistan aim to build a sustainable partnership based on shared strategic interests.»

💼 Le Diplomate Media: Gateway to Europe

Le Diplomate Media published a comprehensive economic outlook highlighting Uzbekistan’s desire to become a logistics hub, while positioning France as a strategic partner.


«L’Ouzbékistan offre à la France une porte d’entrée vers l’Asie centrale, au moment où les enjeux énergétiques et commerciaux sont au cœur de la géopolitique mondiale.»


«Uzbekistan offers France a gateway into Central Asia, at a time when energy and trade issues are central to global geopolitics.»

☢️ Le Figaro: Nuclear Cooperation in the Spotlight

In an article published just ahead of the visit, Le Figaro shed light on the shared nuclear energy interests of both nations.


«L’Ouzbékistan détient un potentiel considérable dans l’uranium, et Paris veut y jouer un rôle de partenaire technologique de premier plan.»


«Uzbekistan holds considerable uranium potential, and Paris wants to act as a key technological partner.»

📰 NR Magazine: Economic Alliance in Motion

NR Magazine framed the state visit as part of a broader strategic economic alliance, stressing that Uzbekistan has become a magnet for French investors.


«L’alliance franco-ouzbèke se construit dans la durée, portée par une convergence d’intérêts économiques et géopolitiques.»


«The Franco-Uzbek alliance is being built over time, driven by converging economic and geopolitical interests.»

📢 Observatoire de l’Europe: Political Messaging

Although less analytical, Observatoire de l’Europe reflected on the symbolism of Macron’s communication and its alignment with diplomatic values such as mutual respect and regional balance.

📌 Quote (interpretation of Macron’s tweet):

«L’Ouzbékistan est un partenaire fiable et ambitieux pour une Europe qui regarde vers l’Est.»


«Uzbekistan is a reliable and ambitious partner for a Europe looking Eastward.»

A Visit That Resonated Across French Media

From energy and trade to cultural exchange and diplomacy, French media reflected strong enthusiasm and strategic interest in deepening ties with Uzbekistan. President Mirziyoyev’s visit was widely recognised not just as a political protocol, but as a tangible sign of Tashkent’s expanding global diplomacy and France’s commitment to Central Asia.

🌍 A New Chapter in France-Uzbekistan Relations

President Mirziyoyev’s visit reaffirms Uzbekistan’s role as a regional bridge and a proactive diplomatic actor, as the country continues to expand its global partnerships under his leadership. This state visit not only highlighted the shared interests between France and Uzbekistan but also opened new avenues for cooperation in innovation, climate policy and cultural diplomacy. As relations between Paris and Tashkent continue to strengthen, both nations appear poised to enter a new era of strategic collaboration.

Also, Presidential X Channel shared the ceremony of departure of Shavkat Miriziyoyev back for the city of Tashkent,

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