
Dori Darmon Shares Surge 17% on Uzbekistan’s Stock Market

UCI stock index rose by 0.083%
Stock market of Uzbekistan. Photo: SergeyP/Depositphotos

From March 7 to March 14, most highly liquid stocks listed on the Toshkent Republican Stock Exchange (RFSE) displayed varied performance.

The UCI stock index increased by 0.083%. Companies that experienced the highest growth during this period included Dori Darmon (+17.05%), Uzbektelecom (+9.25%), and Uzbekinvest (+4.64%).

Conversely, several companies ended the week with negative results. Notable declines were recorded by the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UzRTSB) (-11.13%), Ipoteka Bank (-3.48%), Alokabank (-5.13%), and UzAuto Motors (-4.17%).

In terms of transaction volume, the leading three companies were Universal Bank (394 mln soums), UzRTSB (224 mln soums), and Chilonzor Buyum Savdo Kompleksi (128 mln soums).

Of 22 highly liquid shares, 11 concluded the week with positive results; one remained unchanged, and the remaining 10 experienced negative outcomes.

During this period, the total trading volume at the stock exchange decreased by 16% compared to the previous week, totalling 12.08 bn soums. The number of exchange trades fell by 47.5%, reaching 5,400.

Kursiv Uzbekistan also reports what investors need to know about the Uzbek market.