EBRD Invests $66.4 Mln in Uzbekistan’s Power Grid Development
In the form of a loan
Crypto Exchange in Uzbekistan Loses Operating License
The cryptocurrency trading company has ceased operations
Dollar Approaches 12,910 Soums for the First Time
As of December 24
Uzbekistan Plans to ‘Export’ Kurash Coaches
Two Investors Express Interest in Purchasing Uz Chasys
They have been allowed to proceed to the next stage of privatisation
Uzbekistan Increases Exports of Goods and Services by 4.4%
Statistics Agency reports
US Deports 572 Uzbek Citizens, 6.5-Fold Increase
За 2024 финансовый год
Mirziyoyev Extends Condolences to Putin Over Death of General Kirillov
Uzbekistan's President condemns the killing of a military official