Nowruz in Uzbekistan: A Celebration of Joy, Traditions and Renewal
“Try Again, You’ve Already Been Rejected; It Can’t Get Worse”: A Designer from Yandex and a Technovation Girls Mentor on the Importance of Learning
Beeline Uzbekistan Launches S3 Object Storage for Businesses in its fortifAI Platfom
Beeline Business has launched commercial operations for its S3 object storage, which is deployed in the company's own fortifAI platform. The solution is built on Nutanix Objects technology and offers corporate customers a flexible and reliable tool for storing and managing large volumes of unstructured data.
Uzbekistan Enables Instalment And Cashless Payments For Government Services
Anastasia Novikova Now Heads Kursiv Media Group in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Uzum supports Uzbekistani Women in IT and collaborates with Women in Tech
The partners plan to focus on training and creating mentoring programs for girls and women
How crowdinvesting helps small businesses and startups
Kursiv Uzbekistan delved into the topic
Uzum Market and UNDP Organised Business Training for over 200 Women in Uzbekistan
Masterclasses set to expand across the country