The parties also talked about purchasing six trains from Hyundai
The exchange rate published is based on data as of February 13
The parties agreed to provide mutual support to entrepreneurs
Over the past year, the country produced more than 1.7 thousand tonnes of butter
She has been a member of the US national team for the past five years
It has become UNHCR's eighth warehouse for UNHCR
Some received 23 years in prison
Support for the project comes from a children's hospital in the USA
Chevrolet Cobalt maintains strong leadership in Uzbekistan's car market
The renowned architect shared his insights on the evolution of tradition and craftsmanship with Kursiv Uzbekistan
In monetary terms, the figure totalled $14.5 mln in apple exports
Transparency International has announced the data from last year
According to currency exchange data as of Feb. 11
Information on precious metal prices published by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan.
RSE Toshkent shared the information based on the number of transactions
Kabul believes seven units of aircraft were handed over to the Americans without consent
Results of the special railway route's operations announced