
Uzbek Companies Attract More Investments

Most of them are foreign capital and loans

The volume of investments into capital stocks of Uzbek enterprises has risen from $13.3 billion in 2018 to $20 billion in 2019 or 37.1% of the country’s GDP, says Uzbek State Committee of Statistics.

Almost half of this money volume in 2019 are foreign investments and loans (45.7%). The other 20.7% is a share of money spent by firms. Loans from commercial banks is 13.1%, and 7.6% is money provided by the state. Also, companies used money from various funds.

About half of these investments — $9.7 billion — was allocated for technical re-equipment. Another $8.6 billion was invested in construction and installation works.

Concerning territorial distinctions in the amount of spent money, Tashkent has proven itself as the leader. The capital city spent $4.3 billion. However, a significant increase in capital stock investments was also recorded in other regions.

For example, in the Jizzakh region, the increase was 95.2%. According to the Uzbek State Committee of Statistics, this happened because of cement plant construction in the region. In the Syrdarya region, the volume of investments rose to 94% due to the modernization of the Syrdarya thermal power station’s units. In the Khorezm region, the reconstruction of the main irrigation canals of the Tashsaki system led to an increase in investments by 67%.