Startup Garage Expands with New Branch Opening in Karshi

A branch of Startup Garage, a project aimed at supporting startups and young entrepreneurs, has opened in Kashkadarya Province, as reported by IT Park.
The innovation center will offer workspace for startup teams and provide consultations. Additionally, it will host educational and business events organized by Startup Garage.
AloqaBank and the venture fund AloqaVentures have partnered on this project. During the branch’s opening ceremony, guests learned about the opportunities available through the project, including startup development programs and assistance in finding initial investments.
Subsequently, 20 teams presented their ideas for innovative projects. Experts selected 12 startups that will receive initial support from Startup Garage. The founders of these startups were awarded certificates for free training and participation in mentoring programs.
The project ecosystem currently includes more than 50 startups. By the end of February, Startup Garage innovation centers will open in all regions of the republic and in Karakalpakstan. A project branch will open in Surkhandarya on January 18 and in Samarkand on January 21.
Kursiv Uzbekistan also reports that Bolt will assist in training young IT specialists in Uzbekistan.