Rothschilds to Participate in the Privatisation of Key Uzbek Company

In 2025, Rothschild & Co. plans to participate in the privatization process of a significant state-owned enterprise in Uzbekistan.
On January 15, representatives from the company, led by Baroness Ariel Malard de Rothschild, met with the leadership of the State Assets Agency. The Baroness congratulated the agency on successfully completing the People’s IPO program and expressed the company’s commitment to contributing to Uzbekistan’s development.
During the meeting, both parties discussed plans for implementing the privatization process jointly and agreed to foster close cooperation and share experiences. The specific enterprise involved in the discussion was not disclosed.
The Rothschild & Co. delegation met with Minister of Economy and Finance Jamshid Kuchkarov, his deputy Khurshed Mustafayev, and the head of Uzpromstroybank, Aziz Akbarjonov. They discussed the company’s successful privatization practices and explored their potential application in the privatization of Uzpromstroybank.